Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time with Ye Ye and Nai Nai Chang

Step 3 of our trek took us to Houston where all 3 of us met up and stayed with Ye Ye and Nai Nai Chang. Mom Chang (or should I write Nai Nai?) hosted a scrumptious meal for the extended family on Saturday. We also connected with friends at church, Sunday. Friends and family in Houston were also very generous, and Jubilee continues to be clothed in cuter outfits than you could imagine! Yes, contrary to the many videos you may be seeing of our naked baby, we do clothe her:) Apparently, Jubilee is taking on the likeness of various members of the Chang family, as well--at least in her mannerisms! A big thanks to Mom Chang for the chicken and wine soup which did both J&S lots of good.

Geoff spoke at BASIC, the college and career group at Houston Chinese Church. He was glad to also play some basketball on Saturday morning. He'll need his game while in Portland, as guys are often playing in the park across the street from us.

We also got to see some friends from the past, Nikki Brehm (newly engaged!) and Ben and Meredith Wright (expecting!) We were thankful to share with them as they wait for exciting things to come.

Time with Pop Pop and Grandma Naus


Step 2 of our trek to Portland began with Geoff driving our car across the country. He took along the Lawrences dog, Baxter, with him. On the way, he stayed with Stephanie's cousins, the Cacciatore family. He also met up with the Lawrences and former CHBC folks, the Petersons.

Stephanie and Jubilee spent the week with Pop Pop and Grandma in Bloomsburg. Lots of visitors came to meet her, and she was welcomed at church, too. Our new church family continues to remind us (me!) of Shiloh. They are very loving and show it by their acts of service. Already they have provided a wonderful home, filled our cupboards, offered regular babysitting, and sent us out to Portland with fun things to do!

We also spent daily time with Poppie and GG (Great Grandma) Naus. I think we're all confused now that everyone has taken new names! We'll try to train Jubilee early! Thanks to Mom and Dad Naus who even took a few night shifts and did laundry almost every day. (phew!)

Jubilee Ellen Chang

After a few long days, Jubilee finally arrived!! She was 8 lbs 80z and 22 in. long--the same as Gugu (Aunt) Jennifer. Apparently the Chang babies were all large, so I may be doomed. :) Jubilee is named after the OT Biblical year of Jubilee. Every 50 years, all debts were canceled, property returned, etc. It was a picture of heaven, where God's children will celebrate the forgiveness of sin and redemption of all that was lost through the fall. We pray that Jubilee will live to know this truth and believe it herself.

THANK YOU to Mom and Dad Naus, Mom Chang, and Aunt Sandy who took care of us and packed up all our belongings!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Brown Thumb...why?

If you have seen our (Stephanie's) gardening skills, you'll see the connection pretty quickly, but we are not the best at keeping foliage alive and well. In many respects, we have brown thumbs, not green thumbs! We happen to be moving to Portland, OR, a place known for it's natural beauty and for, well, it's green characteristics in general. We are excited to be moving there, as Geoff is starting his first associate pastorate at Hinson Church right in the heart of the still very authentic Hawthorne District. We follow the Lawrence family, Michael and Adrienne and their 5 kids, as Michael just became the senior pastor of Hinson. Michael and Geoff worked together at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in DC, where Michael also officiated our wedding. We have much respect and love for the Lawrences, and we are excited about what God will do through their ministry in Portland.

I digress...

The analogy is not merely about the environment. We also feel very humbled and somewhat inadequate for this particular place and people. Though we could name others who may fit into this community better, we feel like brown thumbs. Yet, we know that the Lord has a purpose for us moving to Portland, and more importantly, we know the Lord has His own here. Thus begins our journey of either turning into green thumbs, or being used in spite of our brown-ness, whichever or both the Lord chooses.